Sunday, September 23, 2012

Agile Process Development Lifecycle Area


The process should be an enabler of the objectives the organization needs to fulfill. It should allow the organization to deliver value fast and sustainably. It should be revised and improved continually (Kaizen).


- The process enables incremental delivery of features. In other words, the process should allow to slice the functionality to be delivered in multiple chunks, that when delivered allow the business to receive the most valuable/important functionality sooner.
- Process should be light and empiric. All artifacts in the process should give value to the product creation process.
- Process should be empiric. The team should continually introspect on the process and change it to function better within the specific context.

Standard Practices

- Common methodologies/frameworks like Scrum and Extreme Programming use iterations to deliver features incrementally and iteratively. Features should be potentially shippable at the end of each iteration. This doesn't mean that they could be shipped, as a feature could be part of a larget minimum viable feature.
- At the end of each iteration, the team can show to all business stakeholders the business functionality that was completed. If requirements are sliced vertically and provide business value, they can be shown.  Stakeholders can provide their feedback, which could be incorporated in the product backlog through the product owner.
- The team should inspect the process (among other things) at the end of each iteration. Usually, the team tries to find what is working with the current process and isn't, devising action items that can improve its performance.

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